Mia Montessori Academy’s Accessibility Plan
Mia Montessori Academy is an inclusive school and has implemented systems, policies and processes to enhance access for all students, faculty and families in our community. Our Accessibility Plan provides an overview of
The framework guiding our work
The Accessibility Committee
Accessibility Accomplishments and Barriers
Our Three-Year Plan (2024-2027)
Accessibility Feedback Form
Report an Accessibility Barrier or Support
At Mia Montessori Academy, we want to learn about specific barriers and supports that people face when they are trying to:
Access a school program, building, or school information.
Receive a service, or support.
The Mia Montessori Academy Accessibility Coordinator will review your responses to the questions below for their consideration. This information can be submitted anonymously, or you can provide your contact details at the bottom of this form if you wish to be contacted.